Happy Halloween, Baby: Pops and Cake

Alrighty, so I saw these on another website (opens to a new window!) a couple of weeks ago, and for my daughter’s halloweeny get together (in which I did not play Type O Negative, I promise) I made them.

By memory, which means that hey, I’m not completely losing my mind. 😀

It was really fun. I think these could easily be adapted for other holidays. And don’t worry, if you don’t have a microwave like me, you can put a bowl over simmering water and melt them gently that way.

(And if I can do it, anyone can! :O)

And then I made cupcakes. Delicious, delicious cupcakes.
I might need to go get one right now.

Kool Aid Pie

I love getting these ‘weird’ recipes in my inbox. This is really easy for kids to make. In hindsight, I think I should’ve let Kelly do this.

But I did it myself.
I’m so mature.
(Plus Kels doesn’t like pie. What 12 year old doesn’t like PIE?!)

Whatcha Need:

1 envelope Kool-Aid
1 14oz can of Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 8 oz container of Cool Whip
1 Graham Cracker Crust

Whatcha Do:

1. Mix Kool-Aid and SCM together well.
2. Fold into Cool Whip.
3. Pour into graham cracker crust.
4. Refrigerate a few hours before eating.
